M anufatto stone that not everyone knows the story and some even the existence, belonged to the consular road built by the emperor Trajan, who assumed the name of him.
It branched off by the APA, which was an extension, in Benevento, the famous arch dedicated to this emperor, one of the most beautiful of Roman, and ended in Brindisi, marked a milestone on the way per mile (a kilometer and approximately half).
Our milestone, found in 1697, as would indicate the date engraved on the top of the building, in memory of the greatness of Rome, in the thirties of last century, was placed in the gardens overlooking Logoluso Palace, not far from the beginning of Via G. Bovio.
seems that his previous position concerned the lobby of the Bishop's Palace "... since the days of Bishop Sarnelli. Good for the Sarnelli Bisceglie has come from us! Otherwise, who would speak?
It 's very likely, in fact, that was part of that collection of markers, forty, then dispersed outward, which is still preserved in the mid-Trani "700.
's Latin inscription engraved in stone enumerates the attributes recognized to Trajan, who built this stretch road at his expense. They are: Caesar
(Which makes sense because it's bound to happen Trajan was adopted as a son by the divine Nerva, the emperor above). Augustus.
Germanicus - Dacic (winner of the Germans and the Dacians who had belonged to the wealth used by the new emperor in public works) Pontifex Maximus. Tribune of the people (without functions).
Not all the emperors claim the title which, in our case, testifies to the popular support enjoyed by Trajan.
Father of the Nation - Lord of the World.
The article, CXI of the road in question was located a few kilometers from Ruvo, the stretch that led to Bitonto.
The claim is supported by the finding, documented in the XC Canosa landmark just off the CV and near Corato.
At this point, for clarity, it should be noted that the coastal road that links the Adriatic ports of Siponto, Brindisi and Otranto, Trajan's oldest, was not marked by milestones.
In the following centuries, was named as a Trajan because flowed at the console of Egnatia.
In 109 d. C., in Rome, was inaugurated two important works that popularized Trajan dedicated to building a luxurious spa and, after many days, a new aqueduct which conveyed water from some springs in area of \u200b\u200bLake Bracciano which now supplies water to the gardens of the Vatican. Significant
's latest achievement when you consider that the existing water systems, along the way, had significant losses in the face of growing demand for the precious element. And here we discover that the Apulian Aqueduct with conspicuous losses relating to him is almost normal.
tireless, months later, the emperor decided it was time to put hand to the work on the viability of alternative accommodation, now frequented more of the same Appia, which, breaking away from that in Benevento, Brindisi allowed to reach a savings time consistent.
The poet Horace, in that 'Age of Augustus had brought to this city to board, left us a description Check that trip. The story highlights the drawbacks of a road awkward and inappropriate to the sustained movement of passengers and goods. Appropriate, the involvement of Trajan. In Puglia the new consular touched Troy Ordona, Canosa, Ruvo, Bito, Ceglie del Campo, Egnatia, which still remains interesting, and finally reached Brindisi. Otranto was used to achieve a pre-existing connection.
The city, which centuries earlier had been encouraged by the passage of the APA, forced into a reduced role with the advent of Trajan, created roads with the same or improve existing ones.
For example, venusini used a stretch of road leading to Ordona, the same who had allowed the inhabitants of this town to reach the Appian Way.
crossing a territory of a consular road, which always connects two major centers, positive influence on minor roads.
Scholars have been unable to locate it but there was a link road, already in the Republican era, including Venom, rods and seaside towns nearby.
This is apparent from what happened when the Romans were defeated by Hannibal in the flat is near to Cannes. Part of the survivors were saved in this fortified town. Other preferred remedy
Venosa, considered safer.
With the improvement of the minor road system, of streets which the Romans called vicinales, intensified trade relations between Lucania and Apulia, aided by the presence of vibrant urban communities.
The first consular road was the Via Appia - Regina Viarum - who took the name of those who built the first part or the censor Appius Claudius.
work that concern, which began in 312 BC and completed two years later allowed to join Rome to Capua.
Subsequently, Benevento was reached, then, was achieved by linking with Venom, a flourishing Roman town, Gravina and Taranto with its port, then a town of significant strategic value. From here, a minor road in some places and allowed to reach Brindisium uncomfortable.
For the Romans, the conquest of new territories is strengthened by the establishment of direct road links between major centers: the consular posts, in fact.
Further along those routes, special fortified settlements were of strategic importance.
these works were used for the troops when the military operations permit.
Subsequently, the conquest was strengthened by appropriate interventions. For example, the allocation of land (centuries) to the soldiers who were laid off. In doing so, promote their integration with the local population, resulting in a certain area romanize counting on the presence of elements of trust.
now direct our curiosity about one of the protagonists travel "the viae praetoriae" or consular road.
The Romans were a people that pulled right, and when they were building roads in particular. Console Features
the long straights obtained by studying the area and the technical skills to make excavations, fills, and tunnels.
straights, in hilly areas, were never drawn to the valley floor for obvious safety reasons. There had been
slopes that could be as high as 20%, however, compatible with the means of locomotion of the time, rather slow. Rare
workarounds in the presence of obstacles which, at first glance, might seem insurmountable. For example, with patience and a lot of labor specialized, it faced enormous ridges of rock as if I am going to narrate.
Centuries later, when he put his hand in the work of Trajan, to eliminate an annoying detour in the first section of the APA, it was decided to be cut vertically to forty feet of an outcrop of rock overlooking the sea, located in near Terracina.
Centuries later, a rematch with so much muscle strength obtained by using the few resources available to the stonemasons of the time: the ax, the ax, hammers and wedges of various sizes.
in the seventies of last century, in the company of "Ciccio" Rana, a master stonemason much appreciated after a visit to the village of Sperlonga, Terracina having as a goal, was given to us to see the boldness of that realization. Huge
made the cut in the rock mass, attacked simultaneously from both sides. The result: a road to the natural background, easily and with breathtaking views.
But back to the console. It affects the constant raising of the road surface from the surrounding ground.
In the name of security, for the chance to have a clear vision of the place because it was not uncommon for an encounter with highwaymen.
In the vicinity of a river to avoid being swept away by flash floods. Everything was perfectly calculated.
Typically, the track was about six feet wide but was extended in sections which included the sidewalks for travelers, in turn, makes maneuvering easy.
the new road attended a large unskilled and skilled personnel. The direction of the work was entrusted to an expert (architectus), usually belonging to the Army Corps of Engineers
In case of need was also provided in the call to military service leave referred to was known that the skills required.
over the ground, when there were no paved roads through the area provided suitable material, breccia pressed, most economic or natural background that were not widespread.
The most enduring, those who defied the centuries and which appear in some parts aerial photographs, the roads are built with heavy stone polygons (paving stones) be planted in a bed specially prepared.
In the footsteps of the pilgrims or the hooves of horses there was a visible part of the road, slightly convex for the drainage of rain water on the sides, but below this, a layer thick enough and well prepared, the roadbed, ensure the durability of the product.
addition, the elevation of the roadway, requiring the construction of retaining walls on the sides. As you can imagine, the 'intervention requires great care and great professionalism.
In marshy places, the ridge was supported by big logs planted vertically in the ground, firmly held in place by horizontal poles.
A curiosity. The skill that a reason is attributed to the Romans in the construction of roads was not derived from the study of books or treatises dedicated to the topic. In fact, there are not reached.
was the result of a long and unique that was handed down from generation to generation.
A rare description of the works are running to make a sudden we're in the area of \u200b\u200bconsular Domiziana-bell, in 95 AD, is found in a work of poetry ....
Author, P. Papini Statius, Naples, certainly present in the work, relying on poetic describes what he observes accepting the suggestions of the imagination.
It results in a performance of unusual ways, driven by loggers, quarrymen, stone cutters, diggers at work in a large open-air workshop.
who was assigned to preside over the opening of a new road?
Always a senior judge since according to Roman law was the only one who could carry out the expropriation when the stretch of road running through lands belonging to private individuals.
In the Republican era, was the Senate shall appoint a representative figure from which this depended on the staff to the firm.
In 20 BC, Augustus, freeing the Senate, if destined for the post on the care of state roads. Subsequently, the emperors were always to deal with such a delicate area of \u200b\u200bpublic administration.
Speaking of roads it is inevitable that we should talk about bridges.
Our region has rivers and streams on a seasonal and easy to ford, there are ruins of a dozen of these objects are located, mostly in Daunia.
Going back in time, crossing a stream, apart from the ford on foot when possible, usually done using a raft carrying from one bank to another, men, animals and more.
Then came the first, rudimentary wooden bridges. But since the third
sec.aC since the construction technique had been evolving, we are witnessing the creation of bridges suitable for long life.
understanding that the foundation and the appropriate supports (pillars) were always made of stone, to build the bottom of the track, it was not unusual that you use wood, a material widely used and less expensive.
a wooden bridge that was constructed from records in Romania, supported by twenty pillars, had a long track 1127 meters. Appropriate, the width of the roadway.
Ofanto near Canosa, in the relatively recent past, on Route 16 was a Roman bridge still in use in four masonry piers, rebuilt several times over the centuries.
In the aerial photograph that we publish, taken in the fifties of last century, the bridge has the classic profile humpbacked.
That is to say that its track, the length was convex and reached a maximum height at which the central span, compared to the side, had a greater amplitude.
a device that allowed not to hinder the flow of water during a full in that short stretch where the greater the thrust.
After the Second World War, aerial photography, widely practiced by the British during the conflict in order to identify military targets on Italian soil, allowed to discover many archaeological sites, buried now, that you do not know of the existence of ancient tracks and roads.
"How?" You say.
very simple as compared to the cultivated areas surrounding the ruins of ancient settlements give color and tone in which they insist other sites.
The photographs of the RAF, a great help in the investigation of archaeological, compared with the results of the first aerial surveys of post-war (we are in the mid-fifties of last century), made on behalf of the Military Geographic Institute of Novara, showed that , after a little more than a decade, many signs of the past had been erased from the agricultural mechanization than traditional plow, allowed to work the soil to greater depths.
It 's a time when the farming community faces great changes. It spreads the system of large cultures.
is made to the motorway. Multiply the country houses. So dig
led to inevitable destruction of part of the archaeological heritage.
During the work, if the light were ancient artifacts, were made to disappear to avoid the detention prescribed by law
interessiamoci Now the way to travel period.
What were the travel times on a road particularly well.
For example, having the goal to port of Brindisi, leaving the Appia Traiana prefer to Benevento and meant to bring to board a savings of at least two or three days of travel for the route, although longer than the Appia, was easy. We traveled until there was visibility, putting on their way to the first light of day and preparing to camp at dusk to spend the night safe.
The mail carriers with the relay system and a change of horses kept daily average of 75-km
It seems that Julius Caesar was able to travel 150 km a day with a light two-seater buggy which the Romans called "cisium. With several changes of horses and a long summer day, I guess.
In the photo published there is a cart designed to carry passengers, called "carruca dorm."
faithfully reconstructed to be exposed to the public during the Festival of the Roman-Augustan Rome, 23 September 1937-23 September 1938 - enabling passengers to spend the night on board the vehicle, by using specially crafted hammocks. There was also the
carruca simple, intended for one trip.
Both media had the front wheels mounted on a swivel axis which increases maneuverability and larger rear wheels which allowed greater speed.
These vehicles seem to have been inspired by American pioneers to make their carts. Not I can tell you more.
When they moved, the troops on the march covered a distance of thirty miles in a day.
walked four consecutive days, camping for the night. The fifth day was intended to rest.
too common among travelers, walk around was quite widespread. Donkeys and mules
ensured good company and make it easier to travel but it was necessary to keep an eye on especially at night.
Along the path of the consular post stations were frequent use of the state postal service "stationes" who took the name "mutationes" when it allowed the exchange of the horse and possibly the knighthood. But
those best equipped, able to offer complete technical support, catering, hospitality for the night and all possible answers to the needs of state travelers, were described as "mansiones.
To address the problem of banditry, not unusual along the roads of the Empire, there were detachments of soldiers which was responsible for ensuring the safety of the roads.
Over time, these areas of service, originally fate with adequate facilities to meet the needs of mail carriers and officials in passing, were joined by small buildings that offered the anonymous traveler can stop for refreshments and a place to spend the night .
were managed, usually by freed slaves, who, in the comedies of the time, were represented as individuals in couples with disreputable women worthy of them.
Bad food, sometimes, even the water undrinkable. Read Orazio.
The bedding for the night, so to speak, annoying housed animals from which it was impossible to escape.
Therefore, leave this place at dawn, was, in a sense, liberating.
The rich, the characters are forced to set out, relied on the hospitality of relatives and acquaintances who had villas located throughout the area crossed by the console, but they, too, some Once, they were forced to fend for themselves ...
Petronio, known for its elegance which does not give up even on the road, available near some stations located Appia Traiana small properties owned by him, suitable for a short stay but comfortable. A very special
roads, which still remains attractive, which for centuries has fostered the development road of large areas around the Mediterranean and Central Europe, whose characteristic was represented by long straights, was placed in that relationship with the surroundings ?
Generally, the Romans had respect for the natural environment and usually worked to harmonize the street element with the changing landscape.
the extent possible, patches of green gives itself with moments of shadow are especially welcomed by travelers in the hot summer days.
Over the years, a growing number of travelers in the vicinity of the route was not uncommon to come across sacred groves which called for a stop to gather in meditation.
We thank the gods, a witness was left for a trip that long ago had ended happily. They were the votive offerings of the time.
merchants, forced to travel on account of their interests, trying to get their side Mercury.
Centuries later, some of these holy places, will eventually turn into a true sanctuary. One more reason to take a journey.
Another aspect linked to the road, the presence of tombs that were built along the Roman road near a town of some importance ..
Who has not heard of the tomb of Cecilia Metella, located in the first stretch of the Appian?
For example, memorials Canosa was accompanied by a stretch of Roman road. Other
there were near Kaili, today Ceglie.
I take this opportunity for clarification. Not passed by the Barium Trajan, as it was called the Bari of the time, which consisted of a small coastal settlement, the reference port of the nearby Kaila and evolved, so rich to mint silver coins.
Returning to the tombs, these were often accompanied by seats, in a sense, invited the traveler to stop and spare a thought to the deceased.
Sometimes, the invitation was explicitly set in stone:
"Stop your steps, or foreign, and read these few words. Let me comfort your mercy ... "The Roman roads
favored businesses.
Counting on a catchment area that included several towns connected to each other, in predetermined locations, with some regularity is kept very busy market.
Nowadays, the construction of hypermarkets in particular areas, their success seems to inspire the same business philosophy. The pair
street market not only increase trade but favored a meeting between different cultures.
All roads lead to Rome: an 'expression universally known.
The meaning does not change if we say that all roads in the ancient world set off from Rome. In 20 BC Augustus erected the Miliarium Aureum.
Done with care and covered with gilded bronze marked the beginning of all the great Roman roads.
The building was located near the Roman Forum the place where they had originally three of the oldest roads in the city.
From one of them sprang the Aurelia and the link with the port of Ostia. From another Flaminia and Salaria. The Sacred Way, that was the last name, creates the Appia. E 'curious, but Rome itself was built in a place that was a meeting of roads.
At the time of its peak, the Roman road system radiating more than 55,000 miles.
With Appia Appia Traiana and then with the Romans penetrated into the southern road, where they found satisfactory.
In Puglia and particularly in Daunia, with its populous towns and a certain liveliness in trade relations which had greatly influenced the development of minor roads.
Even before the presence of Rome, there was a coastal road linking the Gargano Brindisi. It 'may have been also uncomfortable and traveling much effort, but it was there.
The state of abandonment of the streets has never made the news.
In the eighteenth century, in the second half, to be precise, to go from Bisceglie, Molfetta, it takes a good two hours because of road full of potholes.
sat on the throne of the Kingdom of the Bourbons, and Naples, the capital, was considered one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. But the streets ...
Back to the protagonist of our story: the console. Appia Traiana-in particular, that over the Adriatic Sea to Brindisi, as the Egnatia, was the first console to advancing out of the Italian soil when he comes in stages, to Constantinople.
Such is the importance attached to the road system which, as I noted in an earlier episode, by Augustus, the office which dealt with the 'opening of new roads and maintenance of existing ones was headed by the emperor himself.
hand we increase the imperial provinces, thickens the number of civil servants used for connections ... and espionage.
were the ears of power. At each return, all related to the news that had come into possession. In cases of a certain severity, could be heard by the emperor himself.
Even before Rome exerted its influence on the south, in Puglia, on the Adriatic, there port time from some references. In particular, stood on the coast dauna Salaria which was the port's rich Arpi.
Siponto was later founded by the Romans, enriched with the territory belonging to this city, impoverished as a punishment for having opened the gates to Hannibal where he joined in the fight against Rome.
marshes did the rest, declaring that the decline of its port useless.
you forget, that time, hundreds and hundreds of soldiers provided by Arpi Roman army during the war against Taranto.
To reach the boarding, APA Trajan, at Troy, branched once cared enough road that passes by and Lucera by Arpi, led to Siponto. The sea routes were regulated by precise departure times.
an orderly world where nothing was left to chance. And with this statement I am going to put an end to the story. Provo
the feeling that he was sometimes rough, lacking in detail: I like the complexity of the excuse.
We're talking about the greatest monument that Rome has ever built: a road system that comes from a big political picture that still bears witness to the greatness of the Eternal City and its vision.
Roads toll-free, open to all, without distinction of race or wealth. From Rome - caput mundi-up to the far borders of the Empire. And I
not even mentioned the reason that prompted me to take care of the topic that, in a sense, it connects to the period of my military service in Civitavecchia.
Here I met a young Italian-American archaeologist, officer, I selected other for a period of surveying in the area.
The Normans are among us
Archangel is up there on the mountain, clinging to the cave shrine with a drawn sword on the head and foot of the devil, waiting patiently for pilgrims arriving by land and by sea, more numerous in the warmth of late spring and in the bright summer days. Already out of the green and mysterious promontory is a promise of indulgence and benefits.
Once immersed in the silence of the place, climbing the steep paths that seem to never have to end, and impatience is replaced by a sense of peace that dampens the voices and prepare for prayer. The cult of St.
Michael was born in the fifth century, and soon the fame of the shrine Gargano was great.
In particular, the Archangel was beloved by the Lombards who brought him in the heart, the flags depicted on coins. About
embarked or disembarked in Siponto never failed to visit him: they came into his presence tired but happy to be able to bow down to such glory.
Little used the land roads, cost-prohibitive for the disastrous conditions roads, the first millennium was drawing to a close soul was old and new coastal towns, encouraged by the trade that favored shipping routes, despite the dangers that we expose ourselves and for natural disasters and the treacherous seas boarding of outlaws .
reversed as compared to previous centuries when, for safety reasons, small communities had sprung up within the territory, far from major roads: the houses.
understandable that before taking off or returning after days and days at sea, we climb to the Sanctuary to implore the protection of the Archangel.
thousand and not more than one thousand ... It was whispered
Satan will be freed from the chains with which Christ had imprisoned and therefore would be something amazing happened.
One thing, however, was a comfort: although the popular imagination enlivened the nights of monsters and demons and it was said around claims of miracles, the births were rising.
With trepidation and a ray of hope medieval man began to count the days of the new millennium ... When it became clear that the extension was granted, everybody felt reborn-this is the case of Byzantine officials say, including, who had continued to collect taxes as if the end of the world does not concern them, and the indifferent performance of crops widespread discontent at the excessive tax burden.
You want Melo, Bari, to reach the shrine not only to kneel before the Archangel but to explain his plan to those holy brethren in order to obtain political support and practical help to support an uprising against the Byzantine city of Puglia.
To assess the significance of those contacts must be remembered that the religious community depended on the diocese of Benevento, the capital of the Lombard Duchy, an ally of the Church of Rome against the Byzantines, who owned the Gargano Promontory. Here
Melo met a group of Norman knights which reveals his intentions and attract the interest of stakeholders.
In the spring of 1017, when he left Capua the head of numerous armed among them there is a substantial core normanno.La antibizantina revolt, supported by many cities in Puglia, after some initial success, ends up being suffocated by the action of the regulated firm Byzantine troops, commanded by Basil catapano Dongiovanni.
ours, and finally defeated at Cannae in October 1018, with heavy losses in the ranks Norman.
After the timed, in subsequent years, the Normans did not miss his appointment with history: the protagonists.
The adventurous stories of some of them and the events that transform a stranger will be involved in Bisceglie medieval coastal settlement.
In 1043, Melfi is a town in Normandy. There are twenty-five years after the defeat of Cannae and the leaders who meet in conference in the fortified village at the foot of Vulture, having fought for its own account, they must decide the division of the conquered territory with the assignment of counties.
It 'also the Prince of Salerno, Guaivano IV, their protector: a sign of gratitude, the chief Norman's offer of Siponto port city and the nearby headland.
chairs the assize William Popeye, son of Tancred, the eldest son of Hauteville, who some time ago, in Matera, the Normans had elected their Head and Teacher.
As far as we are concerned, the County Trani, which included Barletta, Bisceglie, Andria and Corato, is assigned to Peter d'Amico. William will serve just over three years will die back from the siege of Trani, finally captured and handed over to Count Peter.
His remains were buried in the Abbey of the Holy Trinity of Venosa. In 1047, William was succeeded by his brother Drogo.
In fact, there was the attempt of Peter I, always ready to flex its muscles, to fill the vacancy, but the support of the Prince of Salerno favored the second Altavilla.
Later, the Norman married a daughter of this man: more than worthy of a princess, the bride's dowry and found the political value of that bond. Who were the
Altavilla? The patriarch was
Tancred, Count d'Altavilla, inherited from the name of the village: the nobility, but clearly small annuities. Taking Morielli
wife, fathered five children: William, called Iron Arm; drug Humphrey, Godfrey and Serlo.
widower still young, married Fredisenda "... and she had seven sons."
In the new flowering, the eldest was Robert, later told Guiscard (doubly smart).
were born then Mauger, William; Alveredo, Umberto; Tancredi junior and Ruggiero. Of the females, I have news. On
late forties, Roberto, reached southern Italy accompanied by the reputation of a troublemaker.
not helped him settle in a relationship with the first Earl, who welcomed him warmly and therefore was forced to put his sword in the service of a noble Lombard.
Then, annoyed by the complaints of Robert Drogo thought it well to get rid of around wants to bring in Calabria to wage war to Cosentini, and, giving the skin even before he took the bear, he declared himself willing to recognize immediately the possession of the spoils.
In Calabria, Roberto chooses for his home a small fortress perched on a hill.
Lives of raids, surrounded by a few faithful, but it would be simplistic to think that simply come to live from day to day with no prospects for the future.
Soon, it will be very good at recruiting the holiday companions, who, attracted by his strong personality, will become more numerous. A few years later, when the Normans will be called a litmus test-is at stake is their survival-Calabria Roberto will leave the head of a large number of armed men. In
council of war will prove a maturity that will surprise everyone and show his skills as a battle leader and soldier.
Not far from the town of Civita, facing the opposing forces. From the Pope, friends and enemies of yesterday, it is really all united aversion to the Normans, fearsome opponents and as uncomfortable as neighbors: the Pope Leo IX to militias from Germany, armed men and Lombard Italy Central.
An impressive display of force which opposes a diverse but numerically inferior opponent, but decided to fight hard.
miss the Argiro with Pugliese intercepted approaching from the formation of Norman knights, leaving battered by a tough battle.
After blessing the troops from the walls of Civita, the pontiff expected to secure the outcome of the battle.
We met with great fury on both parties until nightfall. With great courage they show the Germans that they were all wiped out, others did not touch better fate: in a few, were saved.
the end of that fateful day, not yet calmed the cries and noises of the fight, ran from mouth to mouth the news of the defeat, and for the inhabitants of the city began a wait filled with anxiety ...
Wisely, the Pope decided to surrender to avoid a siege by the Normans for deadly consequences.
In light of the new day, the gates were opened and Leo IX, accompanied by the clergy, went to sea.
Uffredo The meeting was surrounded by his, that, by showing respect and asking for forgiveness for the many deaths caused reassured the Pope confirmed that it was free and that the Normans would have accompanied and protected.
The next day, the pontiff wanted to visit the battlefield that showed "... the horrific signs of struggle with the smell of death, unbearable."
"... the sacking violated bodies everywhere ... where life and many had escaped from her throat cut off ..."
Walking in the wilderness, the Man of God "... he stopped recognizing any, in the expression of a profound disturbance in the face ..." So describes a reporter, a few centuries after the event. The Pope ordered that
everyone was ordered burial date, and for many days and the winners were the residents of Civita engaged in that work pitiful. None cultivated those lands for years.
Not long after the death of Humphrey, in point of death, he entrusted the task of safeguarding the interests of the child, still a minor, Guiscard took the title of Grand Master and the Count of Apulia, while none of the Norman leaders dared to openly challenge it. It was 1057.
In August two years later, the new pope, Nicholas II, the council held in Melfi, gave to Robert the title of Duke of Apulia and recognized the achievements made while the Norman declared himself a vassal of the Church and its lawyer.
Venosa, the city that had hosted Popeye William, Drogo, and Humphrey was now considered to be the historic seat of Norman power.
helped to strengthen that image, the presence of the rich Abbey of the Holy Trinity, made so by the Normans munificent donations of items that were buried there.
Roberto was not outdone by his predecessors.
generous Maecenas, by some historians is attributed to the project of the 'Unfinished', a huge church, if realized, like the installation of the cathedral Acerenza.
In reality the work took off in the first decades of the twelfth century, the period of greatest splendor of the abbey Benedictine, which in 1297 was suppressed by Pope Boniface VIII.
The newcomers, of the Order of the Knights of Jerusalem showed no appreciation of a work whose completion would have required substantial investment, and over time, sull'Incompiuta, came down the indifference and silence.
In the years following the council of Melfi, while his brother, Roger, successfully conduct military operations against the Arabs in Sicily, retain possession, Robert Norman rule imposed on southern Italy, extending the conquest by the annexation of lands belonging to the neighboring states.
In 1085, sixty-four years, he died as he held under siege Kefalonia.
The body of the duke, after many misfortunes at sea, because of the state of decomposition, was deprived of guts and heart that were buried in Otranto. The remains of this extraordinary man had then honorable burial in Venosa.
Roger died in 1101, leaving his wife, Adelaide, to look after the interests of their children, Simone, aged eight, and Roger, of three. The latter, in 1130, will become King of Sicily and Puglia. Let us take care of
Peter D'Amico, a type used to think and move quickly: While working to subdue the Trani, does not fail to treat the organization of the county. William Apulo
wrote towards the end of XI century.: "Petrus .... Buxilia, Barolum aedificavit in oris maris." Translating, and Barletta Bisceglie founded on the coast.
For the latter, the Bardulos antiquity, it was likely to circumscribe the existing walls with new settlement adjacent to the area where the cathedral was later built.
Unlike the discourse of our city. Captivating
was to be the charm of the place: a hill healthy and well-defined yet covered, in large part, by a thick forest of oaks, bordered on two sides by deep blades.
A small natural harbor frequented by people devoted to agro coastal fishery, dominated by a few watch-tower to avoid unpleasant surprises ... It Accordingly, I find it appropriate to Bisceglie are talking about foundation
Unlike the Greek or Roman city, spontaneous settlements and indefinite at the foot of the Acropolis, a place where prominent and fortified by temples of the deities, the medieval town is surrounded by solid walls, made impressive by the depth of the moat that surrounds them. The
is characteristic, then the isolation that almost opposed to the surrounding area.
few openings, defenses by moving gratings and drawbridges, and this, again, a garrison of supervision.
Its doors were closed after sunset and it was hard to be allowed into the city walls at night.
When in the nineteenth century opened the gates and walls were knocked down the doors - the Porta Nuova was served by only a few decades before - the medieval Bisceglie ended to exist.
In previous centuries, to deprive it of the walls, often had the additional punishment that is reserved to a city after the conquest and the inevitable looting.
Bisceglie underwent this painful humiliation at least once during its history.
Before the foundation, cleared the place and it will offset the unevenness of the ground, then he went to track the progress of the walls and internal roads.
In various sites, blacksmiths, carpenters, masons and carpenters were preparing the necessary to build, a task entrusted to the masons supported by numerous labor.
It proceeded with the excavation of the foundations, then took the body walls, rise the times ....
Slowly and with much effort the city began to acquire its appearance. I think our
Bisceglie, choral commitment that made all the architects of the magic that turned a habitat of bushes and shrubs, patches of dense vegetation in streets and houses set in a plan that took account of the morphology of the place is also a function of disposal of rainwater.
Arguably, the foundation of Bisceglie unfolded over an area small in size, above the blade of the Levant.
In the twelfth century, increasing the birth rate, the favorable evolution of the economy in general, tend to populate the cities because they offered more safety, job opportunities and socialization.
Our little more than a village, was now at the limits of accommodation. They needed new urban spaces, but you could not make a decision ...
And here are to help out the events that I am about to describe.
In July 1133, at the end is a short but vigorous campaign that Roger II, King of Sicily and Puglia, leads successfully against the Accounts from Puglia that they rebelled.
Repression is brutal, planned: you want to sow terror to deter future attempts of opposition against the central power.
At the head of the insurgents there is the powerful Count of Conversano, relapsed, often forgiven, but this time it's going to fail because Roger has decided to proceed with the confiscation of its property and to deprive him of liberty.
The first city was retaken Nardò: very little escaped the systematic destruction and fire. Profaned the sacred places, preceded by violence of all kinds in which they were known for ferocity-together bands of Arab mercenaries, the slaughter was great.
The news of so much horror and ran to the Puglia sparked an understandable fear in rebellious cities.
militias Roger King came to Venom which was given the same fate. I have not heard that cover the Abbey of the Holy Trinity, which stood outside the city walls, probably escaped the destruction due to the presence of the funerary monument of Altavilla.
Then, it was the turn of Troy who, while not resisting, suffered looting and destruction.
Meanwhile, naturally, had surrendered Trani, Bisceglie, Bari and other cities of Puglia and Basilicata, which touched a better fate in terms of loss of life but were forced to dismantle their defenses.
In such difficult moments in time, certainly reacted with a strong desire to regroup: that was life creep back.
Years later, when the situation returned to normal Bisceglie and received permission to rebuild the defensive perimeter, the new city wall gave the city the extent that we know.
We come to the centrality of the cathedral; abnormal, if you look at the cathedrals of Barletta, Trani, Molfetta, located on the outskirts of the medieval defensive perimeter.
If we consider the hypothesis of a first settlement of limited size, there is no exception as the site chosen to host the cathedral, at the time, was peripheral to the same: it is the expansion of the following determining the centrality of the monument and development converged on the same road.
In the oldest part, perfectly oriented, S. Adoeno, S. And St. Nicholas Matthew, seem to divide a space just enough with a certain balance.
the second half of the eleventh century to the early decades of the next, this is where many immigrants find placing the houses of the churches mentioned relate.
Its parallel roads that go down to the sea, gradually dropping in length, giving the feeling of being enclosed within an area from the rest of the island next. The Central Road
Balestrieri bears the signs of a housing that does not give shades, poor materials and modest in construction, other part, on the contrary, we firmly planted medieval tower houses, large and solid masonry wall and reveal a degree of accuracy of execution. The same unfolding
up area does not have the fast pace of the original settlement and is more harmonious, here, the relationship between indoor spaces and living areas open connection.
The new walls were equipped with two openings: the gate of Zappino, the name of a cottage agro, or Gate of Earth and Ocean Gate.
The road that linked rising straight up off the dome, then the path to irregular slopes, reached the opening facing the marina.
Within the city, the powerful families are assured adequate extension of urban land for their houses and vegetable gardens, centuries later, on these areas more representative of the Renaissance buildings will rise.
Less easy to place in the urban medieval tower houses made of adjacent dwelling to a far-reaching. Emblematic
, Palazzo De Luca, located between Via A. Perotti and namesake alley. To build it, they were evicted tenants of many houses whose walls, with appropriate adaptations, became part of the new factory
Testimonies of a way of building can be ascertained from certain signs in front, the thickness of partition walls, the most obvious on the roof terrace, which unfolds on different levels. In a city unable to
expand, the spread of luxury quest'edilizia increased the uneasiness of the poor living spaces which it must, in addition, brought a particularly negative situation.
In fact, the trampling on the back of these houses lined up, inevitably, ended up becoming a relevance of the same openings, which dealt largely with stables and warehouses.
Cerriglio Road, parallel to the Via Cardinal Oil, may be increased for example: driving, hits the small number of houses remained.
Back when the old town, busy roads and streets, was filled with appearances, voices and sound characteristic, must have seemed unnatural presence of such a rarefied human.
Increasing the number of fires, to meet the demand of housing units resorted to raising the buildings.
To accommodate the child with family, even the man was forced to raise the level of an ancestral palace, sometimes, giving up a certain finish. In
700, rather than build, he restructured: elevations, loggias and balconies.
After centuries of observing the repair of doors and windows as they parted, he began to spread the need to look out, it became imperative when the tax was abolished within the installation of the balconies.
E 'an invitation to turn to the Old Town, in no hurry to seize the signs on the facades of buildings eighteenth-century transformations.
The year was 1071.
At the same time in Sicily, Roger, led a successful military campaign against the Arabs, in Puglia, after three years of exhausting siege, surrendered to the Normans Bari.
A blow to the Byzantines, while engaged in Asia to contain the advance of the Seljuk Turks, who managed to make prisoner the emperor, Romanus IV Diogenes.
In a world dominated by uncertainty and by the armed clashes, which have not been away from the end was illuminated by an event, the sign of peace, which rewarded the organizational capacity of the Benedictines, interpreters of the new times, proponents of a renewed Roman Church .
October, invited by the abbot Desiderius, ten forty-eight archbishops and bishops, including the Bisceglie, John, agreed to Monte Cassino for the consecration of the abbey church. With them, noble, great and small landowners and the people cheering made to honor the pope, Alexander II, at this historic event.
In Southern Italy the Norman conquest was preceded by the penetration of this vibrant religious group.
Around prestigious monasteries and priories spread cellae, nuclei Benedictine children, working in the territory in detail, contributed to the decline of ritual greek and reinforce the image of the papacy.
am inclined to think that our bishop, returning from a celebration so full of meaning, could inflame the minds of Bisceglie with the description of that church is so important and give us a dream: to build a cathedral to celebrate our God and make the city more beautiful.
Because of advanced age and the hardships which he had submitted to go to Monte Cassino, the bishop died soon after, and wept Bisceglie its first pastor. A substitute was consecrated
Dunnello that, in 1073, according to some authors, the blessed work began on the construction of the domus bishop.
probably in that year began to be taken into account the draft to address not few problems that should have been addressing, and since the company also considerable technical standpoint, to decide which expert to rely architecture.
Our city whose urban structure was not fully realized, exercised a strong attraction for people of the hamlets.
Family groups moved on to the full costs after many generations of isolation desired.
Those coming from the same house, often bound together by ties of kinship, of the customs and practices, it is proposed to retain a degree of national unity in the system. Understandable
thought that a church of their own as the perfect place for the most significant moments, which could affect the family or the whole community, but the high cost of the suggested accommodate the accession of those who came from other houses.
In 1074, one hundred to immigrant families from Cirignano, Pacciano
Zappino and was assigned the church of S. Adoeno, and at the end of the century, were completed St. Matthew and St. Nicholas, later related to immigration from other houses.
Returning to the founding date of the temple Bisceglie, I agree with those who place in the years when the Church of S. Nicola di Bari, realized in the short term at least the part about the crypt and presbytery, already home to the venerated relics of the saint Mira. They could not expect ultimate prize sailors Bari who had stolen the remains of St. Nicholas, just ahead of the Genoese which touched satisfied with the ashes of John the Baptist.
The new church, made famous by the relics of a saint who is considered among the most miraculous, the pride of a city emerging policy, offered itself as an authoritative model even before completion.
As far as we are concerned, the temple Bari welcome the suggestion of the apse wall straight chiaroscuro by double arches.
Once the site is prominent in the mass where there remains a strong tower, confirming that the site had already been witness to an earlier religious settlement, it began to clear the area and to trace the foundations of the new church.
was posed as to hand a work which, once completed, would give the city a distinctive profile.
sprang up all around the yards of several workers specializzate.Il timber arrived by boat and was working in the vicinity of the beach for the difficulties of transport in the city of long logs.
in the nearby stone quarries, from which it drew the excellent material, hard-working stonemason submitted a selective process as instructed in order to reduce the high costs of transport wagons with which, once reached the city through the Porta Zappino were brought in to the cathedral.
first, took body walls of the apse and the transept.
The 1167 was the year of the invention or discovery of the relics on the SS Mauro, and Sergio Pantaleone in Sagina, a rural agro. If you're building a cathedral, with what difficulties you can imagine and do not have the essential, or of the sacred remains of a saint's all yours, as you are willing to proceed ...? For
Bisceglie, benign fate, the invention assigns even three ... without going far.
Great emotion. The need for a decent accommodation to the sacred remains certainly brought to the attention of the Community on the incomplete works of the cathedral, stalled for years.
Within months, the crypt was built and when the venerable relics were safe, only then subsided partly fears of a possible theft.
is likely that in that year there was the first consecration and that the worship of the Patron Saints has facilitated the raising of funds for continuing work.
In two hundred years it took to achieve the long-time temple where building activity is lagging, it followed several generations of Bisceglie, which now had become accustomed to the sight of that eternal yard that occupies the heart of the city and all ' idea that things would go for long until who knows when.
Meanwhile, the Normans had yielded up to the Swabians who, in turn, had bent to Angevins.
look carefully at the sacred works, it turns out that the original design was modified.
unequivocal signs above the triumphal arch, for example, confirms that, at a later time, it was decided to change the height of the temple. In the early decades of the thirteenth century, the work seems poised to end. In 1237, the time of Bishop Berto, the temple was equipped with a stone pulpit of good quality.
A period which raises attention to the furnishings and the embellishment of the most expressive parts of the building: they realize the porch, the portal and, in the apse, animalistic shapes and decorations of the window.
The elements of the bestiary, protruding from the apse saved almost overpower the passer, they seem made taking into account the limited space offered by the observation of a slope.
The consecration of Bishop Leo, in May 1, 1295, with the participation of seven bishops, he saw, finally, the cathedral-free scaffolds offer the admiration of the faithful in a living space that allowed her to grasp the beauty of the whole .
Years passed. Now, small was the space that the city could offer to live there.
With the advance of the front of the cathedral of civilian houses and the construction of the bodies added to the eighteenth century, was lost the evocative original space. Inside the perimeter
old life seemed to run the same ... but looking out to sea from the walls of Palazzuolo could catch the first signs of a change that still spoke in subdued tones: the first building along the West blade already prevented the view of the Capuchin Monastery.
Years later, the French Revolution and the Napoleonic wars would have given a strong jolt to a world that seemed incapable of renewal.
Benedictine Choir. What uncomfortable bench and the old worm-eaten of our cathedral choir, by contrast, it reminded him more often in solid walnut, the choir of Santa Maria dei Miracoli in Andria, abandoned to an uncertain fate since the Benedictine community had been suppressed by the French Napoleone.Massimo Flowers, born Joseph, former Monaco St. Benedict, then ritornatosene Bisceglie, had joined the Cathedral Chapter, overcoming mistrust and a certain, ill-concealed hostility that fed into him for choosing to side with the Francesi.Un day, a Chapter meeting, to everyone's surprise, he announced that he intended to seek to obtain the transfer of that splendid Bisceglie carving secentesco.Non lost time, and with the determination that it was customary, he tried to leverage in the areas of power, convinced that he would not be denied what he asks. At that time, the cathedral was closed those of the religious functions for conversion work in line with the Baroque, whose final cost was hundreds and hundreds of ducats. In 1807, Joseph Bonaparte, newly appointed, on a trip to learn about places and subjects of a kingdom that will leave some time later to become King of Spain, with the excuse of work in progress, he gave up to us to receive a halt in the Cathedral ' accordance with the Chapter.
taken for granted, however, a stop at the royal carriage Bridge Lama to admire the landscape characteristic of the bridge as high as the mountain of money that had cost sixteen thousand ducats-and-under which "ran" a cultivated slope, lined patches of prickly pear. Days before there had been in Trani The official meeting between the Sovereign and the delegations of Bisceglie and other nearby towns. Among the defendants, the Sovereign noted that singular figure had told him about, our Maximus, who had managed to combine religious practices with a passion politica.Verosimilmente on that occasion, the cleric went directly to the king with the request that stood so much at heart. At what price was our choir?
If you could, I would say Cocola Don Francis, a member of the Chapter, which fell the thankless task of providing for the transfer of the work. True pro-Bourbon, vexed at having to give his work a gift of the French, certainly was aware of the value of the building and, while grudgingly, was up to the task. Finally, months later, the choir was welcomed at the cathedral: a gift of the French or stolen, thanks to the flowers? Both hypotheses found strong supporters in the past. In fact, the chorus was given to us but we were still responsible for expenses related to the transfer. Charges not recently. The reopening of the cathedral, good law, the flowers came to occupy the stall, in the time of the Benedictine community, mingle with the prayers he had heard the stories about the France of Napoleon and Freedom.
In support of the thesis of the donation, the following are some passages in the letter that the Intendant of the Province, the Duke of Canzano, dated July 31, 1807, addressed to the Vicar of Chapter of our Cathedral: "... that His Majesty is kind of grant that has MISUSE Cathedral Choir of the Benedictine Walnut deleted Monistero of Andria and allows me to enable the divided Church trasportarselo. We bear the costs involved. On 10 August, the Chapter met in special session showed himself grateful for the gift received and trusted in the Province at the intervention of the Internal Decurionate Bisceglie in order to obtain a contribution by the city for the cost of moving. Conveniently called, August 27 the City Council resolved to donate three hundred ducats once.
controversial dating on the artifact-rich motifs symbolic and historical figures related to the Benedictine movement, created with painstaking carving for more performers. Most likely is interested in the Choir Fanzago, teacher experienced in the early thirties, also completed work on the magnificent coffered ceiling of the upper church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli d'Andria. We are comforted by the contents of a document, dated March 18, 1650, regarding: "... the Santa Maria de Miracoli Monastery of the Order of St. Andria Blessed the congregation Cassinenses. Signed with others to: "... D. Gardens to Bertario Sermoneta abbot of S. Angelo Gaeta et d'Andria administrator of the said monastery. " So describes the main church: "... which is three vessels, the middle supported by 18 stone pillars in the shape of columns to the sides .... Of these columns ... quattr'altri in supporting an end cuppola, under which there is the chorus, where the monks officiate, all carved walnut. " The Choir of which we are concerned. At that time, the Benedictine community in the strict sense was made by the abbot, the prior of the cloister and ten fathers. A limited number of established in 1580 by Pope GregorioXIII. A curiosity: among them was a D. Alonso Cobigno Bisceglie had professed June 29, 1620.
Description of the choir. Twenty-two stalls over. Fourteen lower. 24 boxes, each containing two characters. 8 characters in the four corner pieces are available, along the outer edges of the two soldiers In total, 58 players highlighted with the carving. The historical period is between the seventh and fourteenth in the Chorus secolo.Ala right (right as you look at the altar). First panel dedicated to Constance imp. (982-1032). First pers. (On the right of the visitor) cleared for a single restoration. Saint Wilfred, a bishop (633-709). Follows San Amando, Bishop in the seventh century. Not to be confused with the loving Bisceglie (which did not become a saint). According to the box. Prassede dedicated to imp. (X sec.) Saint Ansgar. Bishop (801-865) followed by San Penedeo, bishop and martyr. First edge. Pope Saint Leo V (903-904). San Vicperto Abbot. Martyr. (? -749) Third panel dedicated to St. Agnes imp. (1196) St. Ludger. Bishop. Died in 809. San Saviberto follows. Bishop. Fourth panel dedicated to Gunilda imp. Saint Adalbert Bishop (X sec.) Follows Santo Augusto Bishop. Fifth panel dedicated to Cunegunda Set (978-1039). St. Lambert, bishop and martyr (VII cent.) Followed by St. Bishop Braulio. Archbishop of Zaragoza (? -646). Sixth panel dedicated to Matilda imp. (1102-1167). San Villeado Bishop and Martyr. English abbot. (Died in York in 789) followed by San Cillene, Irish abbot. Bishop and Martyr. Died in 752.Settimo box dedicated to St. Adelaide Intl. (931-999) San Chilito Bishop and Martyr (VII cent.) Followed by San Bruno Bishop and Martyr (974-1009). Eighth box Set mostly at the Villa (X sec.) Queen of Italy. St. Boniface Bishop and Martyr (680-754), Archbishop of Mainz. He founded the Abbey of Furla. Following San Gerardo Sagredo Bishop and Martyr, Abbot of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice. died in 1046. Nono box dedicated to Judith Set (800-843) Soldier of the Militia of the Blessed Mary, founded by King James II. Soldier follows the Militia of St. Lazarus, established for the care of lepers in Jerusalem in the twelfth century. Tenth box. Arduino dedicated to the Emperor (955-1014) Soldier of the Militia of St. Stephen founded by Cosimo I de Medici in 1562. Observing the Benedictine Rule. Soldier follows the Militia of Montesa established by James II of Aragon in the town of the same name after the suppression of the Templars. II Soldier edge of the Militia of St. George established in 1190 in Jerusalem by the emperor, Isaac Angelus Comnemo. Soldier follows the Militia of Mercedari established by St. Peter Nolasco in Spain in 1218. Eleventh panel dedicated to Emperor Ugone (+947) Soldier Templar. Soldier follows the Knights Hospitallers of St John, Order founded by Gerardo Tune nel1099. Twelfth panel dedicated to St. Emperor Lothar III (1060-1137). Fernando Gomez. Originator of the Militia of Alcantara, founded in 1176. Following Raymond S. Abbott (1090-1163) Originator of the Militia of Calatrava. Outer surface. Soldier of Jesus Cristo.Ala left of the choir-Outer surface. Soldier of Jerusalem. Cassinense first panel dedicated to the Congregation founded by St. Benedict together with the first monastery in 529 del'Ordine, situated on a hill overlooking Cassino. St. Gregory the Great, Pope (590-604) of music experts. See Gregorian Chant. Following San Bonifacio IIII, Pope (608-615), Second box dedicated to the Congregation Camaldolese. San Adeodato Pope (672-681) follows Sant'Agata The Pope (678-681). The corner of Pope St. Gregory III (731-741) follows Pope St. Leo IV (847-855) the third panel dedicated to the Congregation of Vallombrosa - 'sec .- XI Pope St. Zacharias (741-752) followed by S. Stephen III, Pope (768-772). Fourth panel devoted to the Cistercian Congregation established in France (1099). Pope St. Stephen IV (816-817) follows the San Pasquale Papa (917-924) Fifth pane dedicated to the Congregation of humiliating. Pope Gregory V (996-999) follows SilvestroII Pope (999-1003) The sixth panel dedicated to the Congregation Celestinenze (UrbanoIV approved in 1263) Pope John XIX (1024-1032) follows Pope St. Leo IX (1049-1054) Seventh dedicated box Oliveterana the Congregation founded in 1313 Pope Stephen IX (936-942) follows Pope St. Gregory VII (1073-1085) Eighth French box dedicated to the Congregation. Blessed Pope Victor III (1086-1087) follows Blessed Pope Urban II (1088-1099) Ninth pane English Congregation dedicated to Pope St. Paschal II (1099-1118) follows Pope St. Gelasius II (1118-1119) dedicated to the tenth box Cluniac Congregation founded in 910 at Cluny. Pope Callistus II (1119-1124) follows Holy Pope Anastasius III (1153 to 1154. Edge II dedicated to the Congregation of Montevergine Pope Stephen VII (929-931) following Pope John IX (898-900). Floriacense Eleventh box dedicated to the Congregation founded in the twelfth century. Pope Adrian IV ( 1154-1159) following Pope Innocent IV (1243-1254). Twelfth panel dedicated to the Congregation Sicilian XIII century. Pope Clement VI (1342-1352) follows Pope St. Urban V (1362-1370).
brief report addressed to Don Mauro Camero to be attached to a request for intervention aimed at restoration of the choir.
The Cathedral Choir BISCEGLIE
That uncomfortable bench and the old worm-eaten our Cathedral Choir, by contrast, always reminded him more often in solid walnut choir of St. Maria dei Miracoli in Andria, abandoned to an uncertain fate since the Benedictine community had been suppressed by the French of Napoleon. Massimo Fiori, already monaco of St. Benedict, then ritornatosene Bisceglie, had joined the Cathedral Chapter, overcoming mistrust and a certain, ill-concealed hostility against him in the fed 'ecclesial environment for its revolutionary past. One day, a Chapter meeting, to everyone's surprise, he announced that he intended to seek to transfer to the pretty wooden carvings of Bisceglie seventeenth century it was suo.Non time was also lost, and with the determination that was usual, sought to leverage in the areas of power, convinced that they would accontentato.Nell 'summer of 1807 formulates his request in a convenient way meeting with Joseph Bonaparte , newly-appointed ruler in travel to learn about places and subjects of a kingdom that will leave shortly after to become king of Spain. One thing is certain: months after the meeting, was greeted in the Cathedral Choir. The
Flowers was also skilled as he was able to pass on to municipalities Bisceglie onerous costs of transportation, with a thousand difficulties, which had to deal with, grudgingly, Canon Francis Cocola, pro-Bourbon. So
Our maximum, good law, returned to occupy the bench who, at times the Benedictine community, mingle with the prayers he had heard the stories about the France of Napoleon and Freedom.
Here, the large space available, he suggested to place the work in wood as well as can be seen today. What date attributed to the Choir, our two hundred years?
I think it became operative, located in the Upper Church of the Benedictine Community Andria, in the early thirties of the '600 just ahead of the installation of the magnificent coffered ceiling of the nave. Achievements treated both from Fanzago, architect, sculptor and painter; character outstanding at that time, under whose direction it operated a highly skilled workers.
Returning to the choir, the characters described in various ways related to the Benedictine movement, are the result of a thoughtful choice.
Don Luigi Carafa, abbot of the monastery at that time, authority figure, may have personally supervised the selection of the Chosen.
Choir in figures. Availability is thirty-six seats on two levels. The characters are presented two at a time in twenty-four rectangular spaces dedicated in the four corner pieces.
The right wing, there are preachers, martyrs, saints and one Pope, received in the first corner element. In the left wing, there are only Papi. Also ensure the Choir two soldiers placed on the external sides of the building.
The historical period is the seventh to the fourteenth century.
The visit should begin by the most distant in time, accepted the right wing (right as you look at the altar), and specifically, the panel named Empress Constance.
The first character to the right of the visitor, S. Wilfrido. Following S. Amanda (not to be confused with the loving Bisceglie.) Deliberately I avoid a detailed description that could complicate rather than clarify, discouraging the bud, perhaps, the pleasure of visiting work not town, overshadowed by centuries of men and dall'imperizia . It will be easier to restore the case.
-www.borgia1930.blogspot.com- to access a description of the choir that includes the characters are not described here.
I also arranged to treat a virtual restoration work dozens of wooden printing graphics that will be available to the public during the event in April and a subsequent exposure in the year.
Note. In the fourth box from the left wing of the choir, the second figure shows Pope Paschal I (817-824).
Under him, the abbot Don Luigi Cafiero is place their initials. Why the choice of this Pope? In the representation, Pasquale regiments on the left a church.
Three were sacred buildings that this Pope had it restored in the short period of his pontificate: S. Cecilia in Trastevere, S. Prassede Esquiline and S. Mary of the Fighter.
Several times and life experiences of these characters. They share the commitment in the protection of church property. Don Luigi, in particular, spends its energy and even money in the completion and beautification of the Benedictine monastery and the temple top. Returning to
Paschal I, Pope was immediately disliked by the Romans after the coronation of Lothario, which took place on Easter Sunday 's 823, for having involved the emperor in certain matters concerning the city.
Consequently, the people who prevented the pontiff, who died on 11 February of '824, were successful in S. Pietro. Probably the body was placed in S. Prassede.