Saturday, December 26, 2009

Romantic Interracial Couple Art

Gifts for everyone.

Or at least parcels ......

I do not know exactly why I'm writing this post ..... ,
I see it more like a bizarre Christmas comes from the context of current Italian politics
(?), Certain things I write also
also unclear to me (I know, but my blog is so ...), and this post I insert it in kind "political fiction", then if someone convince me otherwise, are very welcome.

Maybe it's because I argue that the hatred that many have come to say
unbearable levels, I think instead of outrage, perhaps sometimes free, but if you do not feel
certain situations, as unpleasant in life, many
facts can not be understand.
Then I believe that recent events are part of the media will
the emotional control of the Italians, all created in the table, to keep
the power of a few to many.

entering more deeply into reality then you read a draft criminal
who can interpret it wisely, but the problem is urgent to solve ..... what can we expect for the future? , From where and by whom? I believe firmly
from God, but in the sense of the reality of His Word ...... ,
is, man may seem like a whole new facts that happen, but it's all very
Written and can be interpreted in favor of humanity to achieve
a world and a better life ....... for ALL.

Happy Holidays to all!


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