Here. here we go again.
But how many nice comments they have heard people on the cutting edge of "media literacy" in Italian about the decision to remove the crucifixes from classrooms.
First among the "nice", Education Minister Mariastella Gelmini, "the presence of crucifixes in the classroom does not mean adherence to Catholicism, but it is a symbol of our tradition," a bit like polenta or pizza. Then comes the most
embarrassing for me as the PD (I had to Franceschini, and there was a reason ....), to Pier Luigi Bersani "An ancient tradition as the crucifix is \u200b\u200bnot offensive to anyone. I think that on sensitive issues like this, sometimes common sense ceases to be a victim of the law. "
And then gradually,
the House speaker Gianfranco Fini "I hope that the sentence is not hailed as a correct affirmation of secular institutions, which value is very different from the negation of secularism as its worst, the role of Christianity in Italian society and identity, "Rocco Buttiglione
" aberrant decision, "
Maurizio Gasparri" We sufficient evidence to feel outraged by a decision that offends the tradition, history and identity Italian "
and other .....
One in particular I was attracted interest, Silvana Mura (IDV) "The offense against students of religions other than Catholicism is not so much by a crucifix hanging on the wall, but rather on programs that do not pose the problem to reconcile the fundamental characteristics that must have been teaching with the new multicultural and multiethnic,
here this seems like a fair criticism and secular enough, because you're talking about classrooms, and I'd like to know how many religious circles are hanging in the rooms lay symbols, I am not that well received.
So I think that would be enough, instead of taking away, put other religious symbols from here and maybe you can start to implement the efforts of Pope John Paul II laid the foundation with those wonderful days in Assisi ..... . remember? So .....
bridges, not walls.
Hello everyone.
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